Sea level rise and climate change - How will it affect Hollywood?

At the HLCA September, 2015 General Meeting, a panel discussion was held on this important topic. On the panel were Broward County Natural Resources Planning and Management Director, Dr. Jennifer Jurado and City of Hollywood Director of Public Utilities, Steve Joseph. Questions were fielded from the audience. The meeting kicked off with a presentation by Dr. Jurado on the effects of sea level rise and climate change concentrating on the Beach and the Lakes area of Hollywood. Here is a copy of the Power Point presentation: HLCA Sea Level Rise Presentation 9/8/15.pdf
In addition, here are two more reports of interest regarding seal level rise and flooding in the Lakes area:
- On 10/21/15, Dr. Jurado made a presentation to the City of Hollywood Commission on "Resilent Redesign" for eastern Broward County. The presentation illustrates some unique, innovatative and somewhat controversial ideas for control flooding from sea level rise. Click here to view this pdf presentation: Resilient Redesign presentation 10-21-15.pdf
- Also in October, the HLCA Board of Directors met with Utility Director, Steve Joseph and his Staff to review the steps being taken and those planned to minimize the flooding in the Lakes neighborhood. Dir. Joseph gave a presentation and answered questions.
Here is that presentation: Lakes Flood Control Presentation 10-22-15.pptx
- On March 2nd, 2016, the City Commission passed a resolution supporting an initiative regarding sea level rise support by seven South FLorida Counties. The initiative will focus on a broad and comprehensive solution that can be implemented to help control sea level rise and tidal flooding. Here is a copy of the document that was passed at the meeting: Sea Level Rise Projection document from Comm reso 3 2 16.pdf