The City of Hollywood authorized a well know marine consulting firm to do a study of the Hollywood Marina on Polk Street and make...

Anchoring in our lakes
The HLCA and District 1 Commissioner Shuham continue to grapple with the problem of permanent anchoring or "squatters" in both North and...

The HLCA March General Meeting featured a presentation on Butterfly Gardening by UF/IFAS Extension Broward County Director, Lorna Bravo....

Coastal Flooding
At our February meeting, the city briefed our residents on the efforts to identify ways to protect our neighborhood from the rising tides....

Young Circle Traffic Study
"The City of Hollywood and the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has commissioned a traffic study to examine Young Circle and...

Protecting Our Reefs
Reef Protection Presentation: At the HLCA Februay, 2016 General Meeting attendees heard a presentation on protecting our endangered reefs...

North Lake Dredging
Here is a copy of the City of Hollywood North Lake Dredging Feasibilty Study done a few years ago that details the work and costs...

The Lakes Master Plan
The Lakes Master Plan was created by HLCA members and Lakes residents in 1995 after a series of numerous meetings, surveys and interviews...

Mooring Bouys in our lakes?
Mooring Buoy Presentation: The City Commission heard a presentation on mooring buoys for North and South Lake at a Commissionmeeting in...