The HLCA will host our February General Meeting on Tuesday Feb. 11th at the Hollywood Beach Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Drive at 7pm. Our Guest Speaker will be Fire James Russo and the Hollywood Fire and Rescue Dept. Refreshments will be served and parking is free in City lots. Renew your HLCA membership for 2025 and be entered into our prize raffle. See you there!
Is the short term rental home on your street operating in accordance with the law or is it an illegal vacation rental? We have a list vacation rentals in Hollywood and their current status with the city:
Click here to view the XL spreadsheet--->
The HLCA, founded in 1961, is a group of dues paying homeowners and residents who live in the area bounded by the Intracoastal Waterway, Federal Highway, Sheridan Street and the south city limits. The Association consists of Officers and Directors and holds monthly meetings at various locations in east Hollywood. The Association publishes a quarterly newsletter that is distributed free to homes in the east Hollywood area. In addition, the Association sponsors various social events during the year. The HLCA is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization and is a founding member of the Hollywood Council of Civic Associations. www.hccacentral.org

Our Mission: The primary purpose and objective of the Hollywood Lakes Civic Association is to improve and promote civic, cultural and recreational interest in the Lakes section of Hollywood, FL.